Monday, June 21, 2010

When the molars come marching in...

The front teeth arrived with minimal fanfare which is why we were taken off-guard when the pesky molars made their appearance. Or didn't. For many, many days of pain.
We are on our second round now and the routine seems to be fairly consistent. We start with baby going off her solid food. Then she goes off her milk. Then she goes off drinking anything full stop. All the while she is extremely sensitive and needs to be carried a lot. Any little thing (like another kid touching her) can result in minor melt-down!! Usually there is a fever (normally at night) and disrupted sleep especially when the motrin or tylenol starts to wear off. The most worrying part is that each time the teeth/tooth seems to take at least 7-10 days to come through. While the fever usually breaks after a couple of days she refuses to eat/drink normally until the pain has stopped, which takes longer. I have resorted to some crazy tactics to get her to eat or drink something, here are some tips if you find yourself in the same boat with a teething baby who is refusing to eat!
- Yoghurt. Always try the yoghurt. Its cold, its familiar, it has plenty of fat in it to sustain the little one. My girl will usually eat some yoghurt.
- Snack foods. Ironically enough, she will eat some (harder, crunchier) snack foods when out and about during the teething season. I.e. when she is in stroller and distracted by the world going by. If we put her in the high chair and offer her small pieces of food and snacks during the teething, they are usually thrown swiftly off the tray.
- Strawberries cut into small pieces and offered to her in a small cup as a snack.
- She will normally eat more around breakfast time and then the food intake reduces through the day.
- She will sometime be more inclined to drink through a straw.
- If all else fails and I am beginning to worry about her liquids, we have been known to feed her water with a syringe!!! Time consuming but worth it when you start to become worried about hydration

Anyway, good luck with yours!

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